Junior Nationals

Tammie Ashlin has sent through word that the Junior State Trials will run this Sunday at Kaleen.

Cost is $10. Tables open from 10.30am, play starts at 11am.

Tammie will answer any questions, but pls be aware that she’s currently in Perth with the ACT team at nationals, so may not answer her phone straight away, and is in another time zone… (3 hours behind)

Results: 2013 Winter Round 14

Hi everyone

Below are the results for round 14, and attached is the final ladder for the regular season. Congratulations to those teams that made the top 4, and commiserations those that didn’t. I notice that in some divisions the results were extremely close.

For the first match of the finals series, the matches will be 1st vs 2nd and 3rd vs 4th at the home venue of the team that finished higher on the ladder. If any teams believe the home venue is not suitable for finals, please let me know as soon as possible and I will try to arrange a neutral venue that is acceptable to both teams.

Good luck next week. Continue reading

Umpire’s Exams

Players (and especially State Teams):

Steve Phillips will be conducting Umpire Exams, firstly at Kaleen this Saturday 24th August, then at other venues for the later rounds of the Open Doubles.

Know your game. Get along to Kaleen if you’re not playing on Saturday, or get in touch with Steve (umpire{at}acteba.com.au) for more information.

State Trials: 2013 Open Doubles

Hi everyone

The Open Doubles event will begin in a couple of weeks. I know it’s been quite a while since the entry forms were put in, and there have been a few changes to teams since then. For this reason, below is a list of all the doubles teams that I currently have on my register.

Can I ask everyone to look at the list, and if your name is missing, or you’re down with the wrong partner, or you are on the list but aren’t going to play, please let me know as soon as possible. I will be putting together the draw early next week, so if there are any changes, I need to know by Monday.

If you are registered for the doubles, but your partner has dropped out, let me know and I can try to pair you up with another player in the same situation.

Jeremy Continue reading

Results: 2013 Winter Round 8

Hello captains

Below are the results for round 8, with the detailed ladder attached.

Note that I have re-jigged the bonus points – after discussion at the captains meeting on Monday, I have allocated one bonus point for the July meeting (attending and handing in scoresheets) and one bonus point for the August meeting. I have also given all teams a bonus point for texting in results, but will reserve the right to withhold further bonus points to teams that fail to notify me in future.

Jeremy Continue reading

2013 Annual General Meeting

Captains and Players,

Please note that the 2013 Annual General Meeting will be held at 7pm on Monday 9 September (note that this is the second Monday in September) at Mooseheads in the city.

The regular captains meeting will be held immediately after the conclusion of the AGM.

State Trials: 2013 Ladies Doubles

Hi everyone

The ladies doubles will be held this weekend at Fyshwick Tavern. Currently, I have 11 teams, so I have divided the field into the two groups below. The format will be a 3x round robin on the Saturday, with the top two teams in each group playing again on the Sunday.

Tables will be open from 10.30, start time is 11am.

Group 1
Nicole Welsh / Cindy Blackmore
Ann Moimoi / Lesieli O’Connor
Melissa Chapelli / Olivia Ott
Tammie Ashlin / Margaret Auva’a
Jacinta Snajdar / Melissa Kelly
Jamie Smith / Georgina McWilliam

Group 2
Theresa Whitten / Kathy Harmon
Michelle Massey / Lee Pagden
Jennifer Everett / Bethany Ross
Melanie De Mestre / Paula Simondson
Kylie Power / Robin Butler

Umpire’s Exams


All players interested in upgrading or renewing their AEBF Umpires Certification are asked to contact Steve Phillips. Exams will be running soon.

Note to State teams: ACTEBA By Law 60 states that all members of the ACTEBA who are successful in making the State Representative Squad must sit and pass the relevant umpires exam (as directed by the Committee), prior to their being eligible to participate in the National Championships. Failure to comply may result in their disqualification from the State Representative Squad for that year, and may also deem them ineligible for selection in future years, at the discretion of the Committee.

Certification is valid for three years – thus anyone who sat and passed the exam prior to the nationals being held in Adelaide is no longer certified.

ACTEBA history – past Juniors winners

Captains and players,

The Committee would like to hear from all past winners of Juniors state titles, in order to set the historical record straight. If you, or one of your family, has ever won an ACT Juniors state title, please get in touch with Doug Percy and let him know which title you won and in what year. (Existing records cover the last couple of years.)

Results: 2013 Winter Round 7

Hi everyone

Sorry these results are late. I’ve been out of radio contact for a bit.

Just a reminder to all captains that team registration fees are due at the captains meeting tonight. As Kath has already said, it is preferable if the fees are deposited into the ACTEBA bank account rather than bringing cash to the meeting, so if you can do a direct deposit then that would help us out a lot.

Jeremy Continue reading

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