2015 Divisional Championships results

Last weekend we ran the 2015 Divisional Championships based on the top 8 performers over the year for each division.

Congratulations to all players that qualified and a bigger congratulations to the winners who I have listed below.

Jason Tanaskovic def Ian (Mongrel) Will – 5-2
Sithu Lwin def Palmer Dunn – 4-1
Frank Frezza def Tolly Auva’a – 5-2
Ben Barton def Barry Floyd – 5-0
Iain McCulloch def Mark Ferdinands – 5-3

2015 Dinner and Presentation Night

9 November 2015

Hi all,

The 2015 Dinner & Presentation Night is being held on Friday 11 December at the Labor Club, Belconnen.  The evening will start at 7.00 pm.  We will be having a three course meal for the fantastic price of only $10.00 for ACTEBA members. For  non-members the cost will  be $32.00.

Trophies will be presented to all grand final winning teams and runners up.  This means trophies for the Embalmers, Matildas, Toros, Avengers, KAOS, Schroomptons, Wandering Elephants, Motley Cues, Budgie Smugglers, Patriots, Gringos, Whalers, Felt Rippers, Chickenbones, Rail Runners, Eagles and Whips, plus the winners and runners up of the Champion of Champions tournament. If your team is receiving trophies it would be great if some or all of you are there.

Trophies will also be presented to all the various singles, doubles, masters and juniors winners and runners up, as well as to the winner of the Richard Taliaferro Award for Sportsperson of the Year (nominations for this Award still open).

Please email me at VP@acteba.com.au or call me on 0409471691 if you are planning to attend. Payment can be made straight into the ACTEBA bank account, but please do not deposit money without a reference and an e-mail to our treasurer. To make things easier to manage it would be appreciated if team monies are deposited together rather than individually.

I want to finalise numbers by Friday 4 December  so please advise if you are attending and make payment by that date.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


Dom Stinziani


2015 Adjudicators Comp Qualifiers

Please click through to view list of people who are eligible to play in the 2015 Adjudicators. If you adjudicated during the year but I have missed you on the list, I apologise and please let me know?

The comp will be held on Saturday 21st November at Fyshwick Tavern (12pm start).

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Ladies Rankings – Current (Updated as of Sept 2015)

Click on following link to view updated final ladies rankings for the year. If you find something that is incorrect, please let me know.

Click to view rankings page

Click to Download ACTEBA Ladies Rankings – Sept 2015 (.xlsx)

2016 Summer Comp Nominations – Close 31/12/15

Entries are now open for the 2016 Summer Comp. Click through to complete online form

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ACTEBA 2016 Proposed Calendar

Please see below draft/proposed calendar of events for 2016.

2016 Calendar_Draft (.xlsx)

I have tried to avoid clashes with other 8 Ball events around Australia as well as Public Holiday weekends.

If you have any comments/suggestions, please send an email to td@acteba.com.au. This will discuss at next Mondays meeting and the final calendar will be published at the December meeting.

Richard Taliaferro Award

26 October 2015

Hello all,

Nominations are now open for the Richard Taliaferro Award for Sportsperson of the Year.

The purpose of this award is to perpetually recognise and congratulate ACTEBA members for consistent displays of outstanding sportsmanship.

Any current ACTEBA member (or any member of the last completed season) may nominate any member that they believe to have consistently displayed outstanding sportsmanship over a period of at least the previous two full consecutive seasons. Please note that previous winners are not eligible to be nominated – the intent of the award is that it be passed on to a new winner every year.

You may e-mail your nominations to me, Dom Stinziani, at VP@acteba.com.au. Nominations will close on Friday 13 November 2015. A nomination will count as one vote to the nominee.

The list of  nominees will be posted on the ACTEBA website on Monday 16 November 2015. Any member may then register one vote only for any one nominee by informing Graham O’Connell, the ACTEBA Webmaster. (webadmin@actebacom.au). Voting will remain open for approximately two weeks, until Tuesday 1 December 2015.

Graham will keep all votes confidential and will inform only myself (or another Core Executive) of the outcome once voting has ceased.

The nominee achieving the highest number of votes will be announced at Presentation Night on 11 December 2015, and will be presented with a memorial keepsake and a perpetual trophy (silver plate) engraved with their name and the relevant year of play. The perpetual trophy is kept by the winner until the next presentation.

Previous Awardees: Sid Scott; Max Ryan; Greg Murphy; Tolly Auva’a; Steve Phillips; Alison Murphy; Dean Welsh; Matt Wilson; Kathy Harmon; Paul Berger.

This is the only ACTEBA award that is decided by popular vote. So take your opportunity to nominate someone you know, or check out the nominees when they’re posted and vote for the person you think is most deserving of the Award.


Dom Stinziani


Champion of Champions

Hello All,

I have conducted the draw for the 2015 Champion of Champions tournament. Due to the vagaries of fitting 10 teams into a 16 team draw there are quite a few byes in the Round 1, so some Round 2 matches are being played in Week 1.

Follow this link to the draw: 2015 Champion of Champions Draw

Week 1 matches (with handicaps) to be played on Wednesday 11 November are as follows:

Whalers vs Juniors (+2) at Fyshwick Tavern

Eagles (+2) vs DOTS at Fyshwick Tavern

Schroomptons vs Chickenbones (+6) at Chisolm Tavern

Patriots vs Motley Cues at The Basement

The Embalmers and Avengers have a bye.

All games to start at 8 p.m.

Follow this link to download Champion of Champions scoresheets: http://www.acteba.com.au/downloads/cofc_blank_scoresheet.xls

Captains please text me the results on 0409471691 – PLEASE NOTE – I do not have a smartphone so don’t send me photos.  We’re not keeping stats, all I need is the score.

Remember – have fun, and play all 25 frames before applying the handicap.


Dom Stinziani


Champion of Champions

Hi All,

The Champion of Champions tournament starts on Wednesday 11 November and will run for 4 weeks. This tournament is for all grand final winners from the 2015 Summer and Winter seasons, plus a team representing the ACTEBA juniors.

The teams that have qualified are the Embalmers, Schroomptons, Patriots, DOTS, Eagles, Avengers, Motley Cues, Whalers, Chickenbones and the ACTEBA Juniors.

A draw for the tournament, with venues, will be posted shortly. Normal starting time of 8.00 pm.

Please note that players eligibility rules were amended at a recent Captain’s meeting. Teams can only field players who have been registered to them in 2015. Additionally, competing teams must have at least 4 members of their victorious team included. No other substitutes are allowed.

This is a handicapped knockout competition of the usual 24 frames, plus one frame of doubles to be played in between rounds two and three. The handicap is applied at the end of the game, not the start.

Handicaps are as follows:

1st Div +0

2nd Div +4

3rd Div +6

4th Div +8

5th Div +10

Juniors +10

At the completion of all 25 frames, the difference between the 2 teams handicap is added to the lower division’s team score. (For example, if a 1st Div team beat a 3rd Div team 14-11, the final score would be 14-17 to the 3rd Div team after adding the 6 handicap points). Winners play on the next week, losers are out.

Watch this space for more details to be posted soon.

Dom Stinziani

Vice-President ACTEBA

2015 Final Rankings

Please see below final rankings at the completion of all ranking events for 2015.

Click on following to download latest rankings – ACTEBA Rankings – Sept 2015

Ladies rankings will be update and sent out over the coming days.

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