2023 Masters Doubles Schedule

The draw and the schedule have been done for the 2023 Masters Doubles at the Harmonie German Club this weekend the 25th and 26th February.

There are 23 teams entered. The draw through Poolstat is a round of 32, giving 9 byes in the initial round.

There are 8 seeds and the unseeded teams are randomised by Poolstat. 

Due to the number of teams (and having 6 tables) all matches will not be completed in the initial round.

So please look at the schedule and note the time that you play your first match.

Some teams will start at 10am, some at 11.30am and then three start at 1pm!

The Masters Doubles is a Double Elimination Knockout and will be Scotch Doubles to the International Rules as we currently play in our weekly comp.

Teams lag for break, then alternate breaks for subsequent frames.

Scoring is to be done using the Poolstat PIN which will be supplied by the adjudicator.

The adjudicators are for Saturday Trent Billington and for Sunday Mark Suhr.

Enjoy the competition, play well and enjoy yourselves!


Fred Johnson (Assistant tournament Director)

To see the full draw and results click on the following PoolStat link 2023 ACTEBA Masters Doubles PoolStat

See below for Schedule of play and team rankings

Click on the following link to open/download 2023 Masters Doubles Schedule

2023 ACTEBA Ladies Doubles

Entries are now open for the 2023 Ladies Doubles to be held over the weekend of the 4th and 5th of March at the Harmonie German Club.

Use the following Eventbrite link;


Ladies, get your teams together and get your entries in!


Fred Johnson (Assistant Tournament Director)


Adjudicators required for Masters Doubles

Please let me know if you are able to adjudicate on either Saturday 25th February or Sunday 26th February for the 2023 ACTEBA Masters Doubles at the Harmonie German Club.


Fred Johnson (Assistant Tournament Director)


2023 State of Origin Match 1 – Results

A big thank you to Graham O’Connell for organising and officiating the event. Great job!

Congratulations to the Southern Guns for winning the first match of the 2023 State of Origin series 18-16. They started off well in the teams event, winning all four to take an early 4-0 lead going into all of the doubles and singles matches.

Throughout all of the doubles and singles matches that followed it was pretty even throughout the day. With the final five matches getting underway both teams were still in it, but in the end the matches were too even for the Potters to overcome the 4 match deficit from the start of the day.

From an administrative point of view the revised format achieved its objective – aside from one team in one division it was predominantly the best players from each division that turned up to play and the administrative burden was significantly less than in State of Origins past.

And, while the revised format was refreshing there were definitely some minor things that will be looked at and improved for next time. Thank you to those people who shared their thoughts with me.

Feedback and things observed from the first time running this format:

– The order of players in the teams event should be randomised, at least in the second round, so that it isn’t always the Super League players who get to play two frames if the match doesn’t go the full distance.

– For the Doubles and the Singles I will pre-set the playing times at the start of the day next round. I will also look at changing the order of play of the sessions. This will deal with a couple of issues

— Players won’t have an excessive break between their teams match and their first singles/doubles match. Where a break is necessary you will know beforehand so you can do lunch/smoke/beer/whatever

— Players won’t play the same person in their singles match as they played in the teams event

– Players indicated that the teams event at the start of the day could be replicated so that you end up playing like a round robin of teams matches against the other teams. This would help keep the North/South together instead of the individuality of the other matches.

– We ended up finishing a little earlier than expected, so schedule seems OK otherwise.

See the following links to see the full results in PoolStat.

State of Origin match 1 – Team Results

State of Origin match 1 – Singles & Doubles Results

2023 State of Origin Match 1

9:30AM FOR A 10:00AM START

Good Morning All,

Please see attached the final teams and match schedule for tomorrow’s first State of Origin match. Aside from the 10:00AM start the times are a guide only. Looking forward to seeing how the new format plays out in reality.

I am open to feedback and suggestions to improve and implement in future rounds and will be there tomorrow so please feel free to have a chat or let me know what was good or bad about the day.

Cheers Graham

Click on the following link to open or download document 2023-State-of-Origin-Match-1.pdf

2023 ACTEBA Masters Doubles

Entries are now open via Eventbrite for the Masters Doubles to be run at the Harmonie German Club on the weekend of the 25/26th of February for players 50 years and over on the 25th.

This will be a Scotch Doubles event played to the International 8ball Rules.

The entry cost is $20 per person + admin fee. Use the following link;

2023-ACTEBA-Masters Doubles

Get your team together! It should be a fun weekend!

Fred Johnson (Assistant Tournament Director) 0404467421

2023 Summer Comp – Late Entries

Late entries can be accessed via the following Eventbrite link ACTEBA-2023-summer-comp-late-entries

2023 Summer Comp Entries are NOW OPEN!

Entries will close on 3rd January 2023 at 10am – approximately 4 weeks away.

Note that there are a couple of discussions around the ruleset of the weekly competition and the exact structure of Super League at this Monday, 5th December’s Captains’ Meeting. It is a virtual meeting so I would encourage all who are available to attend. Any changes to the regular order of business will be announced through our regular channels following the meeting.

There will not be any leniency on the late fee – I have set aside time on the 3rd January to get the initial gradings sorted, so be sure to get your entries in early.

The complete Captain’s Pack will follow and be sent out to captains on Monday 9th January.

First matches will begin Wednesday 11th January.

Follow the link for further details and to enter: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-summer-comp-entry-and-fees-tickets-479659864567


ACTEBA Tournament Director

2022 ACTEBA Open Doubles – Results

Congratulations to Matt Harmon and Dean Welsh for winning the 2022 ACTEBA open doubles competition. Well played by Mick Norton and Brendon Smith who were the runners-up.

Click on the following link to view the full results of Round 3 in Poolstat

2022 ACTEBA Open Doubles – Round 3 Schedule

A randomised draw with 4 seeds has been made and this is the Round 3 Top 16 Schedule with play to start at 10am (HGC to open at 9.30am) on Saturday 12th November and continuing on Sunday 13th. The format is a Double Elimination Knockout with scoring on Poolstat.

Click on the following link to upload the schedule in PDF – Round 3 Schedule

Click on the following link to open Round 3 Schedule in Poolstat

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