Results: 2013 Summer Round 1


Click through for the results from last night’s round 1 matches. Also attached is the detailed ladder.

Jeremy Continue reading

2013 Summer Teams List

Hello Captains

Here is a tool for looking up which players are registered in any team. Just select the division, then select the team, and you will see a list of players registered for that team. You can use this to check the makeup of your own team (if it’s wrong, let me know and I will update), and you can also check to make sure the players on the opposition team are registered.

Note: the tool only works with macros enabled, so if your computer asks you about macros when you open it, make sure to enable them.

Click to download:


2013 Summer Draw – UPDATED

Div 5, Div 1 and Div 2 players and captains please take note – the draw has been updated.

In Div 5, the Braddon Kickers are now playing out of the Capital Golf Club in Narrabundah.

There are no changes in Div1 and Div2, however teams new to these divisions should be aware that in Div 1 the Tuggeranong Vikings Warriors play from the Erindale venue, likewise in Div2 the Tuggeranong Vikings Wanderers also play from Erindale.

Please contact the Tournament Director if you have any questions.

2013 Summer Draw and Captains Info

Players and Captains,

The 2013 Summer Draw and Caotains Pack are available for download from the Docs and Forms Page. The Online Draw has also been updated.

These documents have also been emailed out to captains, if you didn’t receive the email, please check your junk mail folder first, then email me (via the Contact Page) if you want your address added to the distribution list.

Presentation Night and Richard Taliaferro Award

The 2012 Presentation Night is to be held on FEBRUARY 16th 2013, at the Canberra Labor Club Belconnen.

Time: 6.30pm for 7.00pm. The cost will be the same as last year ($25 for members, $45 for non-members), with a similar 3-course meal and awards presentation format.

INDICATIVE NUMBERS should be given no later than FRIDAY 11 JANUARY (10 people per table), and FULL PAYMENT must be made no later than the February meeting (along with any special dietary requirements).

Nominations and voting for the 2012 Richard Taliaferro Sportsperson of the Year award are now closed. The winner will be announced at Presentation Night.

Team Nominations are DUE


Now that the rankings are finalised, I have begun to work out the teams and divisions for next season. Unfortunately, I have only received 29 nominations, and even though there are a few new teams, this is still eight teams less than played last season. I’m concerned that some teams may intend to play next season but have not given me any information.

If you are the captain, and you haven’t let me know what’s going on with your team next season, you should contact me straight away – email I don’t want any teams to miss out, but I’ll have to finalise the line up by this weekend, so this Friday 14 December is your deadline. If I don’t hear from you, then your team won’t be playing next season.

Rankings: Dec 2012


The Rankings Page has been updated with a link to the rankings as at December 2012.

Billiard Table for sale

News from the BSAACT:

From mid January, the billiards room at Raiders Weston will be relocating, with one less table.

Our snooker club has been authorised to offer the excess table for sale on behalf of the parent club, and any money raised through the sale will go back into improving the new billiards room.

The table is available either as:

— the table itself,
— as a package including light shade, scoreboard, wall mountable cue rack, dust cover, triangle.
— package as above, plus a set of billiards and snooker balls.

The table will be available disassembled, from the ground floor of the club, early to mid January.

For enquiries or to make an offer, I can be contacted at davidkerr [at] or on 62887931.

2012 Champion of Champions: Round 2 Results and Round 3 Draw

Results from Week 2 of the Champion of Champions comp:

Week 2 (Nov 28):
Match 5: Embalmers 23 def. Budgie Smugglers 10
Match 7: Pidos 21 def Pains 6 (Pidos into grand final)
KAOS had the bye

THIS WEEK: (Dec 5):

Match 6: Embalmers vs KAOS at KALEEN (winner into grand final vs Pidos on Dec 12)

Another venue looking for a team

More news from venues.

Capital Golf Club are getting new tables and are keen to host two teams from next season. One spot still available, please contact Kathy Harmon if interested (treas [at]

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