2022 ACTEBA Summer Comp Season Entries

As discussed at the recent captain’s meeting the entries for the 2022 Summer Comp are now open.  We ask that teams or players register via the following Eventbrite link 2022 ACTEBA Summer Comp

Entries will close at midnight 31 December 2021 to enable full team grading and preparation of draws to occur.

The season is scheduled to commence on Wednesday 12 January 2021. 

Any questions please contact the Tournament Directors at td@acteba.com.au.

Please also note that entries into the competition after the closing date above will have an additional fee added to the season cost.

Revised 2021 ACTEBA Playing Rules

From the Umpire’s Table

I would like to welcome everybody back to actually playing Eightball! The revised 2021 ACTEBA Playing Rules are now available on the website. Although there are no significant changes to the rules – mainly it is clarification and correction of some errors that had crept in –  I would advise all players to refresh their memory of the rules by reading the new version.

A quick reminder on a couple of important points. ALL Wednesday night frames must be umpired, and both teams must provide umpires for the matches. No separate time-keeper is required, but the umpire should use a tactile timing device (e.g. smartphone app), and not a stopwatch that needs to be looked at.

It is the Umpire’s responsibility to announce the breaking player, and to ensure that the rack is correctly set (Yellow J, Red head ball, Black on the spot), although the breaking player may set the rack themselves if they choose. If the Umpire fails to announce the breaking player (or announces it incorrectly), then it is NOT a foul if the wrong player breaks.

But the Umpire’s most important responsibility is to ensure that both players get, and appear to get, a fair game. The Umpire should therefore be, and appear to be, totally impartial, and must avoid expressing either criticism, or support in the form of barracking, for either player.

Finally – a reminder that although on matters of what actually occurred at the table (e.g. did the ball reach the cushion?) the Umpire’s decision is absolutely final, I am always available on Wednesday nights to resolve any uncertainty on the rules. Please call me on 04683 14683 at the time – don’t wait to ask me about it 2 weeks later!

All the best to all our players,

Iain McCulloch, Head Umpire.

2021 Richard Taliaferro Award – Nominations Open

Nominations for the Richard Taliaferro Award for the 2021 seasons are now open, the nomination period will remain open for two weeks and will close at midnight Wednesday 10th November. Once the nomination period has ended, nominees will be listed on the ACTEBA website and the voting process will begin. The voting period will remain open for two weeks and will close on Wednesday 24th November.

Award Selection Process

During the nomination period, any current ACTEBA member (or, if between seasons, any member of the last completed season) may nominate any member that they believe to have consistently displayed outstanding sportsmanship over a period of at least the previous two full consecutive seasons. Note that previous winners are not eligible to be nominated – the intent of the award is that it be passed on to a new winner every year.

A nomination will count as one vote to the nominee. Nominations can be lodged by email to the ACTEBA webmaster at the following email account mailto:webadmin@acteba.com.au

Nominees will be listed on the ACTEBA website.

Any member may register one vote only for any one nominee by informing the ACTEBA webmaster at mailto:webadmin@acteba.com.au

The nominee achieving the highest number of votes will be announced at the ACTEBA Presentation Event, and will be presented with a memorial keepsake and a perpetual trophy (silver plate) engraved with their name and the relevant year of play.

The perpetual trophy is to be kept by the winner until its return as requested by the Vice President (or Core Executive) prior to the following Presentation event.

Previous Winners:

2005: Sid Scott
2006: Max Ryan
2007: Greg Murphy
2008: Tolly Auva’a
2009: Steve Phillips
2010: Alison Murphy
2011: Dean Welsh
2012: Matt Wilson
2013: Kathy Harmon
2014: Paul Berger
2015: Joseph Morrall
2016: Melissa Chapelli
2017: Barry King
2018: Marg Auva’a
2019: Nicole Welsh


Tony Warren

ACTEBA webmaster

ACTEBA – Resumption of Competitions

ACTEBA Executive is pleased to confirm the date we are resuming our Winter season and the announcement of the Doubles Event dates.

The Winter season will resume from round 10 on Wednesday 3rd November. Super league will commence on the 4th November from round 9. The first round of Final series will be Wednesday 8th of December, with the Semi Final and Grand Final for all divisions on Saturday 11th of December.

NOTE: teams playing at OnCue at Harmonie German Club on 3rd November and 17th November will only be permitted to play with a max of 6 players per team. ACTEBA will be in touch with the teams this is relevant to.

The Presentation Night will be held immediately after the Grand finals on Saturday 11th December. Further details regarding this will come out this week.

Masters Doubles will be played Saturday and Sunday 6th & 7th November – entries and further details have been published today.

Open Doubles will be played over the following 3 weekends, these being the 13th/14th, 20th/21st & 27th/28th of November. Details and entries for this event will be published in the next few days.

2021 ACTEBA Masters Doubles Championship

Congratulations to Sid Scott and Phil Morton on winning the 2021 ACTEBA Masters Doubles Championship, well played to Ian Will and Jack Dehm who were the runners-up.

A big thanks to Fred Johnson and Ian Stanley for coordinating and adjudicating the event over the week-end.

Full results of this event can be viewed at the following link.


ACTEBA – Resumption of events.

ACTEBA will be providing an update in the next few days of our plan to resume the winter Season, Open & Masters Doubles dates, presentation night and some info that came out of the ACTEBA AGM held last week.

One thing that will help us confirm these dates, especially the Winter season is if Captains can confirm when your venues are able to host your team again.

Can one Captain from each venue contact Management at your venue and confirm what date they can accommodate Wednesday night league again? The COVID easing of restrictions allow us to resume from the 3rd of November, but some venues may not want pool players taking up their allowed capacity. If you could confirm your venue’s intention with any Core Executive member over the next few days it would be appreciated. Thank you

We are aiming to resume on the 3rd of November and please be prepared that Masters or Open Doubles may commence as early as 6th of November.

ACTEBA 2021 Annual General Meeting

The ACT Eight Ball Association AGM is being held on Monday 11th October 2021 @ 6.30pm via Zoom.

If you would like to join the meeting, please register your attendance via below. Once you register you will receive an email with meeting access and password. All members are welcome to join the AGM. Immediately after the AGM, we will hold the October’s Captains meeting, and those that are not a captain or representative of a Winter Comp team will be asked to leave the meeting.

Please don’t wait till last minute to register to attend, please do so well before so you are prepared and have the meeting link. A reminder you also are required to download the Zoom platform for your device you want to join on.
Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

ACTEBA Events Update

The ACTEBA Executive would like to provide an update to members on some plans we have been working through moving forward after Canberra is out of Lockdown. We reiterate the following is all subject to Government easing of restrictions, venues opening and 8 Ball permitted under the easing of restriction in the next couple of months. There are some logistics and details to work through, so this is a guide of the plans going forward:

  • Winter season – How, when and if we can complete the season is still up in the air. In an attempt to lock some plans in place, we have agreed on the following. ACTEBA will be holding a Finals Day and Gala Presentation night on Saturday the 11th of December in the Auditorium and On Cue Spot at the Harmonie German Club. The basic concept of the event is all divisions Preliminary final will be played in the morning, Grand Final in the afternoon and the Gala presentation immediately following the conclusion of the Grand Finals. The Qualifying Final (1st round of finals) will be played on Wednesday the 8th of December.

In the scenario that we cannot complete all the regular rounds prior to Wednesday the 8th of December, we will play as many rounds as possible and take the ladder position at the end of whatever round we get to e.g. if we get to round 11, the positions on the ladder will stand at that point and top 4 will qualify for finals (Top 3 in Super League). If Lockdown does not permit any more rounds to be played, the current positions on the ladder will stand for the finals.

ACTEBA will propose discounted fees for the 2022 Summer season on pro rata rate per round that we cannot complete in the Winter Season. If there are members that choose not to play the Summer Season, we propose a refund at the same rate for these members. We will discuss this in more detail at the October Captains Meeting.

  • October Captains meeting & ACTEBA AGM will be held on Monday 11th of October as previously advised. The meeting will now move to a Virtual Zoom meeting, a link will be provided to members closer to the date. AGM will start at 6.30pm, followed by the Captains meeting.
  • Open and Masters Doubles – We intend to still run these events, but will play it by ear as restrictions are eased and venues open.  

The ACTEBA Executive would like wish Members and Venues all the very best during this continued lockdown, especially those that have been impacted the most and are unable to work or operate business.

Please stay safe, follow health directions and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

COVID-19 – Competition & Meeting Updates


As per the announcement from the Chief Minister, the Lockdown has been extended till at least the 17th of September. All ACTEBA events will pause as required with the Stay-at-home requirements.

We anticipate the Winter season to just continue from where it left off, once out of Lockdown. If the Winter season cannot be completed this year due to further extension of lockdown, we will re-visit how and if we complete the season.

The Open Doubles will be re-scheduled, most likely till later in the year to allow time for potential further extension of the lockdown. We will discuss this over the coming weeks and advise of new dates ASAP.

AGM & Captain’s Meetings

The Captain’s meeting scheduled for September has been cancelled.

The ACTEBA Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been postponed and will be held on Monday 11th October 2021 at 6:30pm at the Harmonie German Club. The October Captain’s meeting will be held directly after the AGM. (These meetings may need to be held via Zoom if the COVID restrictions are still in place).

The ACTEBA calendar has been amended to reflect the above changes to the meeting schedule.

Please forward any correspondence or notices of motion to sec@acteba.com.au no later than 4th October 2021.

General Information

Watch this space and we will keep you updated as best we can as information becomes available.

To all the Venues and Staff that support ACTEBA, all the best through these tough times and we look forward to when you can open your doors again.

Please stay safe, following the Stay-at-Home rules and let’s help get through this as quick as we can and get back on the table.

COVID-19 Lockdown – Update

Afternoon all,

As per the announcement from the Chief Minister, the Lockdown has been extended till at least the 2nd of September. All ACTEBA events will pause as required with the Stay-at-home requirements.

We anticipate the Winter season to just continue from where it left off, once out of Lockdown. If the Winter season cannot be completed this year due to further extension of lockdown, we will re-visit how and if we complete the season.

The Open Doubles will be re-scheduled, most likely till later in the year to allow time for potential further extension of the lockdown. We will discuss this over the coming weeks and advise of new dates ASAP.

Watch this space and we will keep you updated as best we can as information becomes available.

To all the Venues and Staff that support ACTEBA, all the best through these tough times and we look forward to when you can open your doors again.

Please stay safe, following the Stay-at-Home rules and let’s help get through this as quick as we can and get back on the table.


Matt Harmon | President

ACT Eightball Association (ACTEBA)

M: +61 413844154 | E: pres@acteba.com.au | W: www.acteba.com.au

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