State Trials: 2012 Ladies Singles Top 4 Results

Congratulations to Nicole Welsh for winning her 4th ACT state singles title!

Going into the top 4 playoffs on Saturday at Kaleen, the top 4 seeds and top 4 ranked ladies were all keen to add another state title to the one or more they already had. The round robin was always going to be very competitive, and in the end there was not much between all 4 ladies, with the last frame of the last match determining who would play Nicole in the final:

Les beat Cindy 4-1
Nicole beat Theresa 4-2
Theresa beat Cindy 4-2
Nicole beat Les 4-1
Cindy beat Nicole 4-3
Theresa beat Les 4-3

Top 4 For Agnst For Agnst %age
1 Nicole Welsh 2 1 11 7 61.1%
2 Theresa Whitten 2 1 10 9 52.6%
4 Lesieli O’Connor 1 2 8 9 47.1%
3 Cindy Blackmore 1 2 7 11 38.9%

In a repeat of the 2010 final, and the battle of the 2010 and 2011 state champs, it was Nicole v Theresa, and in the end it was Nicole who claimed the title, 7 frames to 2. Big thanks to Penny for adjudicating the event.

The next event is the Open singles, which starts in 2 weeks, and I hope to send the groups out later today. Cheers,

Matt Power
ACTEBA tournament director
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