2023 State of Origin Match 2

Saturday 22nd July, Harmonie German Club – 9:30am for a 10:00am start

What is it?
The State of Origin is a North vs South competition that is run three times throughout the year, taking the best ranked players from the latest Open Rankings from each division and geographical region pitting them against each other.

Current Scores
Back in February the Southern Guns won in a tight 18-16 victory for the first match leaving the 2023 series at 1-0.

Team Selection
Four players are selected per division, per region. This is done by selecting one female if one is available and then the top three players as per the rankings after that.

As per feedback from the first match the scheduling will be altered a little, but players can expect a 10.00am to 5.30pm day. The format will include a mixture of singles races, scotch doubles, and teams events. While there won’t be a stop to play there will be plenty of time throughout the day for food/drink/etc.