Please see below proposed By-law changes I will be putting forward for a vote at tomorrow night’s Captain’s meeting.
Proposed By-Law changes – 27-4-17
RankingsSystem – April 2017
Div Champs Selection Process – April 2017
Feel Free to send me through your comments before the meeting which may save time discussing these tomorrow night. I am open to suggestions/feedback to help get these changes right and approved.
The proposed changes have been done in Word…… so the changes are highlighted in red. You can view this document without highlighting the changes if you wish, you just need to click on the “review” tab at the top of the page and then click “Final”.
I will also be sending out some info on PoolStat which I will be discussing tomorrow night as well. I will be putting forward a motion to use this system for ACTEBA.
Matt Harmon
ACTEBA Tournament Director