2016 Winter Comp – Captain’s Pack [updated 6/6/16]

Click through to see all relevant info for the 2016 Winter Comp that starts on 8th June 2016.

Click on below links to download each document (documents can be found on the Docs/Forms Page in PDF or Excel format)
2016 Winter Draw
2016 Winter Players List_ver2_6-6-16
2016 Winter Team Grading
2016 Winter Scoresheet
• New Player Registration form – Click on following link – New Player Rego Form
2016 Winter Team Grading Criteria

I would ask that all captains ensure their venues are aware the season is starting, and provide them with a copy of the draw so they know when to expect players to show up.

Each week please just take a photo of the score sheet and SMS or email it to me (email preferred). If the photo is clear, no need to write the score in the text. If you do not have a phone with capabilities of taking/sending a photo, please have someone in your team send it on your behalf. Alternatively, you can fill in an excel version of the score sheet and email it to me. Results due by 9am Thursdays. This will enable me to update the full stats and results on a weekly basis.

If you do send a photo of the scoresheet each week….. there is no need to hand your scoresheets in at the monthly captains meeting

If you have any question, feel free to contact me Matt Harmon on td@acteba.com.au or 0413844154

Good luck and hope everyone enjoys the season.