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Uni Bombers forfeited against Pains in round 4 - Uni Bombers receive a 24 - 0 loss - Pains will receive thier average for and against at the end of season (so they have been awarded no frames for this match yet |
Uni Bombers withdraw
Uni Bombers as of round 7 have withdrawn from the season due to insufficient players. Their results to date will stand, all scheduled matches from round 7 will be forfeited and their opponents will recieve 2 points - Teams scheduled to play Uni Bombers will receive thier average frame for and against at the end of season (so they have been awarded no frames for this match as yet..... even though the results will show 24-0 win) |
6/08/2014, League week 8
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RedsealSW version 3.89.10.F on 23/9/2014 at 14:22