2014 Winter Comp

Click on team name to view match sheet
Uni Bombers forfeited against Pains in round 4 - Uni Bombers receive a 24 - 0 loss - Pains will receive thier average for and against at the end of season (so they have been awarded no frames for this match yet
Uni Bombers withdraw
Uni Bombers as of round 7 have withdrawn from the season due to insufficient players. Their results to date will stand, all scheduled matches from round 7 will be forfeited and their opponents will recieve 2 points - Teams scheduled to play Uni Bombers will receive thier average frame for and against at the end of season (so they have been awarded no frames for this match as yet..... even though the results will show 24-0 win)

9/07/2014, League week 4

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Division 1
The Basement DV8s    12 12    Labor club Toros
Labor Club Matildas    17 7    Burns Club Schroomptons
Tuggeranong Vikings Wanderers    8 16    Fyshwick Tavern Embalmers
Fyshwick Tavern Hammerheads    5 19    Kaleen Bar & Bistro Pidos
Division 2
Civic Pub Felt Rippers    7 17    Chisholm Tavern Motley Cues
Ojo's KAOS    15 9    The Basement Budgie Smugglers
Kaleen Bar & Bistro Jets    11 13    Fyshwick Tavern Crackpots
Page Tavern Patriots    8 16    Tuggeranong Vikings Warriors
Division 3
The Basement Jacks    16 8    Uni Pub Screamers
Chisholm Tavern Dots    13 11    Dickson Tradies Cougars
Kambah Balls Deep All Stars    12 12    PJ O'Reillys Concords
Fyshwick Tavern Avengers    12 12    Southern Cross Club Gringos
Division 4
Burns Club Neville's    12 12    Mooseheads Rangers
Uni Pub Uni Bombers    0 24    The Basement Pains
Kaleen Bar & Bistro Nesians    15 9    Old Canberra Inn WHIPS
Division 5
Dickson Tradies Silver Eagles    14 10    Chisholm Vikings Rail Runners
Buffalos Bar & Bistro Buffalos    19 5    Page Tavern P.O.W's
Capital Golf Club Kickers    7 17    Kambah Inn Neil & Bob

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RedsealSW version 3.89.10.F on 23/9/2014 at 14:22