2014 Ladies Singles – Top 12 results

Click through to see full results of the 2014 Ladies Top 12 playoff.

The Ladies singles top 12 playoff was held over the weekend and 2014 Ladies State Team has been selected.

Congratulation to the following Ladies who will have first opportunity to travel to the Nationals in Darwin later this year.

1. Nicole Welsh
2. Ann Moimoi
3. Penny Foudoulis
4. Kylie Power
5. Cindy Blackmore
6. Lesieli O’Connor
7. Theresa Whitten *

Nicole, Ann, Penny and Kylie will playoff for the Ladies Singles title this Saturday at Fyshwick Tavern. Venue will open at 10.30am, with play starting at 11am (play expected to go through till about 5pm). As I have done with other singles events I will setup Live scores for the top 4 on the website.

Click to see full results Unfortunately Bethany feel ill midway through Sunday and was unable to continue play. All Bethany’s games became null and void and Bethany takes 12 position.

Thank you to Matt Kendrick & Trent Billington for adjudicating over the weekend.

Just a reminder that Open & Ladies 9 Ball entries are due in a week. We currently only have 14 players in the Open and 3 in the Ladies. It would be good to see number get up to around the 40 or 50 as we’ve had in some previous years. This is a great weekend and something different with a relaxed enjoyable atmosphere. You can enter through the following link, if you are not able to enter online please contact me directly to make arrangements –
Open 9 Ball Entry Form
Ladies 9 Ball Entry form

Lastly, the new rankings will be complete and published over the next couple of days. The full captains pack including draw and info on the upcoming Winter Season will be issued at next Monday’s Captains Meeting.