AEBF seeking U21/Masters/Juniors Team Managers

Andrew Saltmarsh, Secretary of the AEBF, has sent in the following:

Hi All,

Please pass onto all people in your State / Territory by the way of forwarding this email, placement on your web sites or word of mouth:

Australian Eight-Ball Federation are asking for nominations for the position of:

Under 21 / Masters Team Manager

Nominations Close with the secretary via email on Sunday November 13th 2011

General duties prior to the team leaving will be making sure all monies are paid on time, code of conducts are signed and returned to the AEBF, collation of uniform sizes and any extra sizes that may be required, travel arrangements and accommodation if the person concerned wishes to stay longer than the normal period of the trip and other duties that the AEBF may ask

Duties while away will be organising the team/s for their matches, team sheets, the general well-being of the team – team harmony, behavioural problems that may occur and other duties that the AEBF may ask

Team manager/s will be required to submit two reports on return from the World Championships

1 General Report to the AEBF Delegates

2 Report to the AEBF Executive on behavioural problems or other issues that a team manager may not feel comfortable in putting in the general report

Under 18 Junior Team Manager

Nominations Close with the secretary via email on Wednesday January 18th 2012

Duties as above


Andrew Saltmarsh
AEBF Secretary