Errors in your performance when playing snooker or pool usually takes place in your mind before they express themselves in action. Our brain is in constant dialogue which can create limitations or inner obstacles to perform to our best. These can include lack of self confidence, fear, trying too hard, frustration, anger, boredom, expectations, self condemnation.
First thing first… is trusting your body.
Self 1 constantly tells Self 2 everything there is to know about pool – how to cue, stand, etc. Self 2 is the silent doer. And yet Self 1 does not trust Self 2 very much and takes things into it’s own hands – like moving the body on the shot, tensing up and making things happen how it thinks it should. Since all the fluidity and timing is gone by now, you usually mis-hit the shot and Self 1 gets more of a chance to degrade Self 2. The first skill for our mind will be “letting it happen”.
More tips next week.
Cheers, Theresa
(Head Coach ACTEBA)