December Captain’s Meeting Wrap-Up

Brief coverage of last night’s Captain’s Meeting (official minutes and more detail will follow soon):

The September meeting minutes were passed.

After a brief positive wrapup of the Nationals (including congratulating our Ladies team for being the first ever ACT team to make the finals at Nationals, and very high praise for our Opens and Masters teams), Doug Percy resigned as President, and was thanked by the Committee for his hard work and dedication to the Association. Joseph Morrall resigned as Vice President, nominated himself for President, and was elected unopposed. Joseph nominated Matt Kendrick for Vice President, who was also elected unopposed.

The 2010 Calendar was submitted. The Summer 2010 Season will start on 27 January. The January Captain’s Meeting will be held on the 18th. The draw and Captain’s Packs will be released at this meeting. Chris noted that Round 1 of the 2010 Ladies Singles will be held on Saturday only, and that the Ladies and Open 9 ball competitions will be held on different days. Chris also reported that Rankings were due to be completed soon.

Trent reported that the Juniors trials will be run this weekend (dec 12-13) at The Maram.

Cath Jones reported that a new Media/Press category will be added to the website soon, to preserve media coverage (print, radio and television) from the Nationals.