2022 ACTEBA Ladies Doubles Championships

Entries are now open for the 2022 Ladies Doubles to be held on the 10th and 11th of September, 2022.

Entries will close on Tuesday 6th September at 11.30pm.
Use the following link,



Saturday at The Basement, 1pm to 7pm (Food not available until 4pm)
Sunday at the Harmonie German Club, 11 am to 8pm

Seeds – based on last two years Ladies Doubles results

The draw will be published ASAP on Wednesday 7th September.

Indicative Format
Double elimination knockout
Race to 4 in earlier rounds increasing in later rounds depending on entries
The format in 2020 was
Race to 4 rounds 1 on winners side
Race to 5 round 2, 3
Race to 6 final
Race to 4 losers side round 1, 2
Race to 5 losers side round 3, 4

Ladies, get you teams together and get your entries in!

Fred Johnson  (0404467421)
(Assistant Tournament Director)