The ACTEBA Executive would like to provide an update to members on some plans we have been working through moving forward after Canberra is out of Lockdown. We reiterate the following is all subject to Government easing of restrictions, venues opening and 8 Ball permitted under the easing of restriction in the next couple of months. There are some logistics and details to work through, so this is a guide of the plans going forward:
- Winter season – How, when and if we can complete the season is still up in the air. In an attempt to lock some plans in place, we have agreed on the following. ACTEBA will be holding a Finals Day and Gala Presentation night on Saturday the 11th of December in the Auditorium and On Cue Spot at the Harmonie German Club. The basic concept of the event is all divisions Preliminary final will be played in the morning, Grand Final in the afternoon and the Gala presentation immediately following the conclusion of the Grand Finals. The Qualifying Final (1st round of finals) will be played on Wednesday the 8th of December.
In the scenario that we cannot complete all the regular rounds prior to Wednesday the 8th of December, we will play as many rounds as possible and take the ladder position at the end of whatever round we get to e.g. if we get to round 11, the positions on the ladder will stand at that point and top 4 will qualify for finals (Top 3 in Super League). If Lockdown does not permit any more rounds to be played, the current positions on the ladder will stand for the finals.
ACTEBA will propose discounted fees for the 2022 Summer season on pro rata rate per round that we cannot complete in the Winter Season. If there are members that choose not to play the Summer Season, we propose a refund at the same rate for these members. We will discuss this in more detail at the October Captains Meeting.
- October Captains meeting & ACTEBA AGM will be held on Monday 11th of October as previously advised. The meeting will now move to a Virtual Zoom meeting, a link will be provided to members closer to the date. AGM will start at 6.30pm, followed by the Captains meeting.
- Open and Masters Doubles – We intend to still run these events, but will play it by ear as restrictions are eased and venues open.
The ACTEBA Executive would like wish Members and Venues all the very best during this continued lockdown, especially those that have been impacted the most and are unable to work or operate business.
Please stay safe, follow health directions and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.