Afternoon all,
As per the announcement from the Chief Minister, the Lockdown has been extended till at least the 2nd of September. All ACTEBA events will pause as required with the Stay-at-home requirements.
We anticipate the Winter season to just continue from where it left off, once out of Lockdown. If the Winter season cannot be completed this year due to further extension of lockdown, we will re-visit how and if we complete the season.
The Open Doubles will be re-scheduled, most likely till later in the year to allow time for potential further extension of the lockdown. We will discuss this over the coming weeks and advise of new dates ASAP.
Watch this space and we will keep you updated as best we can as information becomes available.
To all the Venues and Staff that support ACTEBA, all the best through these tough times and we look forward to when you can open your doors again.
Please stay safe, following the Stay-at-Home rules and let’s help get through this as quick as we can and get back on the table.
Matt Harmon | President
ACT Eightball Association (ACTEBA)
M: +61 413844154 | E: | W: