ACTEBA – COVID-19 Umpiring Clarification

Players and Umpires

I would like to bring the following to the attention of all ACTEBA players and umpires.

Due to restrictions against “mingling” during the current pandemic, some venues are asking that umpires remain seated during each frame. While this is very far from ideal, and makes some calls extremely difficult to make with assurance, we MUST co-operate with the venues and any rules that they feel are necessary at the present time. I hope the following guidelines will help us make this work.

When a player requests a decision on a snooker, frozen or touching ball, the umpire should immediately call “Time Out”, the player should then return to their seat, and the umpire will then approach the table and make their call. The umpire should then return to their seat before calling “Time Running”. The player can then return to the table. In the event of a disputed call, ONE player (usually a team captain) will be asked to adjudicate. Both players and the umpire will remain seated until the adjudicator has made their call (which shall be final) and resumed their seat.

Where this type of procedure is being used, the umpire MAY give a player permission to perform an act which the umpire would normally do – picking up the cue ball for ball in hand, re-spotting a ball off the table etc – and this shall NOT constitute a foul.

I know that there are some calls which cannot be made by inspecting the table after the fact, and indeed this is why umpires are usually encouraged to be mobile. There is nothing we can do about this at the affected venues while ever COVID restrictions are in force. Accordingly I would ask that all players do the right thing and call their own fouls when they are aware that one has occurred. I know the large majority of players do so anyway, and I thank you all for that.

The temporary rule that the breaking player should rack the balls is entirely consistent with 8-ball rules, and should be followed, if only to demonstrate our willingness to co-operate with the venues and their requirements.

I ask all players and umpires to observe the proper spirit of the game. Mistakes will be made, by players and umpires, but the world does not end. Play fairly, umpire to the best of your ability, and enjoy being able to play at all. Other places are not so lucky!

I hope this advice will allow us all to play without dispute or conflict, but in the event that further clarification is required please call me, or if appropriate ask the venue manager to call me, and I will make every effort to resolve the situation to your and their satisfaction.

Many thanks,

Iain McCulloch

ACTEBA Head Umpire

04683 14683.