Events Update

Morning Members,

The Core committee meet last night to discuss a range of topics, with main discussion being around the schedule of events and the impact COVID-19 is having.

Before going on I want to make it very clear that below is just a guide and is likely to change as we are still in uncertain times of when Life will return to normal. We are doing our best to be proactive, and once the Government releases information stating it is safe to resume, we will provide more definite dates on events.

We have produced 2 proposed calendars based on a scenario of being able to commence on the 1st of June and the 1st of July. We did have a May scenario, but we just think it is so unrealistic it will be an option so won’t publish that scenario.

These 2 scenarios are attached, and I have made some key notes below of what has changed:

1st June Scenario

  • Champion of Champion cancelled
  • Open and Ladies Trials cancelled….. subject to how much notice provided of when restriction are lifted, we may try to squeeze in trials back to back in mid-late June
  • Summer season continues
  • Winter season starts straight after Summer and extends into December
  • Open & Ladies Singles event run together over one weekend in November

1st July Scenario

  • Summer season cancelled and will not resume
  • Winter season starts a little later I year
  • Champion of Champion cancelled
  • Open & Ladies Trials cancelled
  • Open & Ladies Singles event run together over one weekend in November

A few comments on both scenarios. The Open & Ladies Singles has been moved to the 6th (Evening), 7th & 8th of November and both events will run in conjunction with each other over that weekend. This is the only event that has been booked in and won’t change (unless Nationals changes to these dates and government restriction extend longer than anticipated). This year, the Winner and Runner up won’t get automatic selection into the respective State Team. This is due to the event being run after Nationals, which was the only option with the venue. Ian & Graham will provide more info on this in coming days

If we are not able to run trials, the Open and Ladies teams will be hand selected. We discussed this at length last night and if we go down this path a Selection Panel will be formed including the Core committee and some independent members. A process will be put in place which we have already discussed, and the team members will be selected on majority decision from the selection panel. We are hoping to be able to discuss this process at the first Captains meeting once we resume back.

The cancellation of events will influence rankings points. This is something that we are still working through and once we have a firm calendar in place and restriction have been lifted, we will finalise this and publish to members.

There is a financial impact on the association with these cancellations as well. Again, this is something we will look at when we have more assurance, but this will impact state team funding and Presentation Night.

The other items that was discussed last night is the AEBF National Championships. At this stage there is no certainty that they will proceed. The AEBF will announce the decision on whether to proceed with the event on or before the 31st of May. This decision may impact the scenarios of ACTEBA Calendar and once this announcement is made, we will be able to look at how that effects our local events.

ACTEBA Core will update members as much as possible as information comes to hand. I would like to continue to wish all members and their families all the best during these challenging times. I would also particularly like to thank our venues and wish them and their staff all the best as they have been impacted most at this point by these restrictions. We can’t wait to be back in your venue enjoying your hospitality.