2019 ACTEBA State of Origin Series – Match Three

Venue: Harmonie German Club
Date: Saturday, November 16th
Start Time: 5th, 4th, 3rd division at 2.30pm. 2nd, 1st division at 6pm.
Initial Teams: [View as PDF]
Series Score: 1-1

Players can expect to be contacted by Graham O’Connell to confirm your position and availability to play, or you can comment or private message him from the post on facebook.

We are looking for whole side captains for this match to assist with getting each of the sessions underway. If you are interested or if you will be at the club for the two starting sessions please let Graham know.

For any general enquiries about the event please contact Graham on atd@acteba.com.au

The top ranked player in each team will be designated captain on the day to organise team order and substitutions, unless they organise with another player on the team to be the divisional captain.