Hi everyone,
The Australian Eight Ball Championships will be held in Canberra from the 9 – 18 November 2017 at the Harmonie German Club in Narrabundah. These Championships include Open, Ladies and Masters teams from each Australian State and Territory. This year will also see the participation of international players from New Zealand and the UK. There are approximately 240 competitors who will attend.
As you can imagine, conducting an event of this size is costly and we rely primarily on the contributions of ACTEBA members to run this event. We are raising additional funds through sponsorship to reward umpires for their time and effort.
We are offering the first opportunity for sponsorship to ACTEBA members who have businesses. The following sponsorship option is available:
105mm x 40mm ad at the base of a page in the Championships Schedule Booklet + signage (with your logo) on the top (900x600mm) and side (450x200mm) of a table used during the event (10 available) – $150.
The event will be streamed online via the AEBF and through CueballTV. We also anticipate high levels of attendance throughout the event.
If you would like to participate in this year’s event as a sponsor please contact me on 0411339349 or email me at kylie.power@defence.gov.au by 31 July. Please note that there are only limited numbers of spots available.
Kylie Power
Nationals Committee Member