Hi all,
The time has arrived for all of us to get together and sell pretzels for Oktoberfest! ACTEBA will receive a % of the profits to go towards our fundraising stash.
During the trials I asked people if I could contact them and find out their availability during the weekend 28, 29 & 30th of October. I will contact you all but you can help me by posting your name here if you know you are going to be available. We are just under 2 weeks away from the event and it’s time to put a roster together for Friday night, Saturday (all day) and Sunday (half day).
The shifts will be approx 4 hours long and we need 3-6 people for each shift to cook and sell pretzels. You can organise a group of friends to do a shift with or I can place you in a group. If you have a specific time slot you would be keen to fill then contact me ASAP or post your availability here.
All helpers will receive FREE ENTRY into Oktoberfest & a card with credit to purchase drinks and or food.
Costumes welcome You can also wear your ACTEBA Uniform/shirt
We have a chance to make a decent profit here but we need support from all of our members. The more volunteers we get, the more we can share the work load around.
If you have any questions please let me know at imbalistic03@gmail.com