2016 ACTEBA State of Origin [Updated 22/2/16]

As you may or may not be aware there has been some changes to ACTEBA’s State of Origin event which was discussed and approved at the Committee meeting last Monday night.

Please click through to see further information:

The format is now a best of 3 series held on 3 separate dates (1st – 27/2/16, 2nd – 30/5/16 & 3rd – 3/9/16). Each series will entail 5 matches (one for each division) with each match consisting of 32 frames. The scores from each division will accumulate across all divisions. The finer details of how the scoring works over the 3 series and what will happen if there is a draw needs more discussion. I just wanted to get this out as the first match is only a little over 3 weeks away. The exact details will be published before the first match.

With the growth of North Canberra, we had a far greater number of players zoned on North according to the existing border. It was therefore agreed at Monday’s meeting that the dividing line would be moved and the 2 zones are now divided by the Molonglo River (through lake Burley Griffin). You can see through the below link the map where the dividing line is now. There is also a list on the second sheet on the below excel file (“Suburb”) that indicates what zone each suburb is in. ACTEBA Zones

Click here to download teams for the Southern Guns & Northern Potters, Congratulation to all players that have qualified. Graham O’Connell is the squad captain for the Northern Potters and he will be in touch with each player ASAP to confirm if they can play in the first match on the 27th of February. Southern Guns don’t currently have a squad captain, so if anyone on the south side (don’t have to be a player) would like to take on this role please let me know? In the mean time I will contact the Southern Guns to confirm available players. Each division has divisional Captains, and people that have taken on these roles are listed above each team. If you are interested in being a divisional Captain (the teams that don’t have a name listed at top), let me know ASAP.

NOTE: Players are selected based on current rankings and also where you live (as per latest player register). As the player register and rankings will change at end of May, the 3rd and final match of the series will be based on the new player register and rankings. So the teams for the final match will change and will be re-published before the final match.

Just a reminder that the event is being held at The Harmonie German club in Narrabundah – Harmonie German Club link