17 November 2015
Hi all,
Nominations have now closed, and voting is open, for the 2015 Richard Taliaferro Award for Sportsperson of the Year.
Congratulations to the nominees, who are:
Margaret Auva’a
Penny Foudoulis
Matt Kendrick
Danny Marlow
Joe Morrall
Jason Tanaskovic
ACTEBA members may register one vote only for any one nominee by informing Graham O’Connell, the ACTEBA Webmaster. (webadmin@actebacom.au). Voting will remain open until Tuesday 1 December 2015.
Graham will keep all votes confidential and will inform only myself (or another Core Executive) of the outcome once voting has ceased.
The winner of the Award will be announced at Presentation Night on 11 December 2015.
Dom Stinziani