Updated Ladder

The Ladders have been updated to included bonus points from the meeting on Monday and also for reporting results for rounds between meetings.

Click on the following link to see updated ladder –League Stats & Ladder page click on the Ladder in each division….. as it may take a while for the combined ladders to update.

There were a number of teams that hadn’t received bonus points from the August meeting as I didn’t receive their results. A few of these team were able to show me evidence at the meeting on Monday that they did send the result and it just didn’t reach my phone. So these teams were awarded 1 bonus point.

Also there was one team that had until the meeting to provide a receipt of when their fees were paid (as ACTEBA received it late). Unfortunately for this team they were unable to provide a receipt with the transfer date, so one of their matches has been forfeited. This has only affected Division 4 and has changed the positions on the ladder.

A reminder that there were a number of teams that received a forfeit during the season. These teams have not received any frames for the forfeits (only points). After completion of round 14 tonight they will receive their average frames for the season. So this may affect team percentages and ladder positions (but I am not sure and haven’t checked).

So just an update so everyone knows where their team is sitting before the final round of the season.