Quick wrapup of the July Captain’s Meeting below the fold.
(Note that this is not an official record and is provided E&OE, official minutes will be posted once they are tabled and passed at the next meeting.)
VP’s report:
The Annual General Meeting will be held on the 7th of September, at the Serbian Australian CLub on Heard St Mawson at 7pm. There will also be a regular captains meeting after the AGM, which captains must attend to collect the bonus point as normal. Public notification of the AGM will appear in the Canberra Times. (A previous motion removed the requirement for a notification to appear in the Queanbeyan Age).
Treasurer’s Report:
Player fees for the 2009 Winter season are due at the next Captain’s Meeting (August 3). As per previous seasons, fees are $45 per player. A $10 per player late fee will apply to fees not submitted by this time.
Some players still have not made payment for their Open Singles State Trials fees. The Treasurer noted that if these players did not make payment by the August meeting, they would be placed on the Debtors Register, which means that any frames won by them so far this season would become forfeit and reallocated to the respective opponents.
Tournament Director’s Report:
The Open Doubles tournament will begin on the weekend of the 8th and 9th August. As there are a large number of entries this year, it is expected the competition will run over four weekends. More details will be released soon.
The Ladies Doubles tournament will begin on the weekend of the 18th and 19th July at the Maram. The format will be four round robins, two on Saturday and two on Sunday. The Top 4 and Final will be played the following Saturday (25th).
Fund Raising Committee Report:
The Fund Raising Committee is on track to meet their projected fundraising goal for the 2009 Nationals. A couple more fundraising events are in the works, and the FRC have Entertainment Voucher Books for sale. Books are $50 each (value of vouchers is approx $1,000). Please contact Cath Jones if interested.
General Business:
Theresa Whitten made an impassioned plea for all members of ACTEBA to get behind the ACT team at this year’s Nationals, which are to be held in Canberra. The idea of making “team supporter” shirts available, which would be similar in design to the actual team shirts, was discussed.
Next Meeting: August 3