The 2015 State of Origin will be held on Saturday 13th of June @ The Basement. Click through to see further information.
Click to download 2015 SOO Teams (.pdf)
If you are available to play, please click on the link at the bottom of the page to confirm your availability online. If you do not confirm your availability by the 1/6/15, your spot will be offered to the next available person.
If you are listed as a reserve, still complete the form if you are interested in playing if a spot becomes available. Your captain will contact you if you are required to play…… but if you are not contacted, assume your not required.
Each division will have a appointed a captain, as well as a squad Captain for both teams. If you are interested in being a division or squad Captain….. please let me know before the May meeting where this positions will be appointed.
Click on following link to confirm if you can play – Click to confirm your availability