Presentation Night – 2014 Season

Hi all,

The ACTEBA Presentation Night for the 2014 seasons is to be held at The Top Of The Cross, Southern Cross Club, Woden, on Saturday 21 February 2015. I anticipate a 6.30 start for a 7pm three course meal. I’ll confirm that in due course.

All members of the Association are invited to attend with partners and/or guests. The Association is once again subsidising the cost for all members and I’m pleased to say that the cost will be only $25 per head. Non members will have to pay the full cost of $49 per head. I strongly encourage you all to attend, especially all those in line for trophies. Trophies and/or medallions will be presented to all grand finalists, also winners and runner-ups of the various singles, doubles and junior tournaments. The Richard Taliferro Award for Sportsperson of the Year will also be presented – see my separate e-mail regarding nominations and voting.

It’s usually a great night out, let’s make this one the best ever. Come dressed as your team if you like, or dress your table up. There will be prizes for the best dressed individual and the best dressed table. For example, the Gringos could all wear Mexican hats, or the Embalmers could have a mini coffin on their table. Use your imaginations! This could be more challenging for some teams than others – what the #*@* is a Schroompton?
There will also be a lucky door prize.

Please try to organise within your own teams the numbers coming and advise me as soon as possible, preferably by the February captains meeting (note that the Feb meeting has been put back one week – it will be on Monday the 9th). Please also try to collect monies yourselves and deposit them as a team payment into the ACTEBA account (details on our website). This greatly simplifies things for our treasurer Kath Harmon and will save her lots of time.

Any questions please contact me on the number below.

Thank you, look forward to seeing you all there.


Dom Stinziani



P.S. If anyone has special menu or dietary requirements pleas contact me and I’ll make sure you are looked after.